Univille Properties keys to success

  • Income
  • Expense
  • Asset
  • Liability
  • Financial Ed/management
  • Insurance

Our Investment is based on Cash Flow and Leverage. In addition, you will receive tax break benefits which could save you thousands of dollars annually. Real Estate Value increase 2-4% annually but as you may know, housing market goes up and down so it our responsibility to be as prepare as possible to accommodate challenging period.

Alignment of Interest

  • Univille properties will be the main investor in an investment opportunity in other to save guard our valued investors from any day to day responsibilities.
  • Univille Properties plans to invest up to 50% or more of the capital in any investment property. Investors are encouraged to contribute only what they are financially comfortable with, avoiding unnecessary strain on themselves and the real estate transaction. Our goal is to ensure smooth and secure funding for each property without placing undue financial pressure on anyone involved.

Requirement to Invest with Us

  • Be financially stable
  • Share common interest
  • Approved/Pass Background Check
  • Credit Check
  • Contact Us Now

Making a profitable investment today for a better  tomorrow