Our Vision

  • Univille Properties aims to enhance the real estate experience by cultivating a spirit of collaboration and innovation. We identify and evaluate good investment properties while providing a platform for collaboration for real estate investment.
  • This is an investment vehicle for anyone that want to invest in real estate but does not have the time to commit to the day to day aspect of real estate.

We collaborate with investors all over the world.

Our Values


We strive to understand the market and our investor needs. Building a relationship is critical to our success in all aspect of real estate from banks to brokers to connecting people to their future homes and to their community.


We are here to provide the highest level of service by being solutions-based and always finding alternative way to meet our client’s/investor’s needs.


Our client’s needs and interest are at the hearth of everything we do. We are accountable for our actions. We conduct ourselves in the highest ethical standards. We are required and promise to do the things for our valued team, our business and clients, resulting in mutual success.

We are experts in what we do.

We guide our clients through this high-stress and highly emotional process.


Making investments today that win tomorrow. We hold ourselves accountable to the highest standards and always raise the bar to do better every day.